The Spare´s Despair


I don't get how the story of the shadowed Prince needs to be a worldwide phenomena, but as it apparently is, let´s dive into the matters of the Super Rich, whose unfair and sad story we all need to hear. 

Of course all stories have the right to be heard, but I just think all of this is getting out of proportion. I mean, it´s all over the world, the injustice of all time, while we all reasonable people know the real injustice is nowhere close to Royal families. Harry might have the right to tell his side of the story, but there is not a question about his attempts to profit as much as possible while doing so. He has always been part of the elite, and that´s what his ultimate goal in life still is, maintaining that position. And that´s why, although how juicy and eyes opening his story might be, I am not reading the book.

I am, obviously, glad about the stain the Royal traditions now have, because I don´t like the idea about hereditary power at all. If a nation wants to go develop equality, having a King top of the hierarchy is not a good start. 

But back to this phenomena...(I have a problem staying on topic, sorry..)

Actually I don't even know where to start and how to make the post short as it has so many points of view; the attributes of British culture, the stiff monarchy rules, hierarchy (who values more and who less), family feuds, privilege, super-rich lifestyle...

Nothing that I personally have a lot experience of, only the family feuds, but as the Brits´ -royals turned into celebrities-, "crisis" is taking coverage in our news as well, I think I have to make an opinion about it too. If something is on the news constantly, doesn't it mean it is something important and something that needs to be evaluated individually? 😉

Of course I don't have any problem giving opinions about things that I don't fundamentally know about. This whole era is about information floods and quick reactions, my brain is used to processing all sorts of stuff quickly and without any fundamental research.

The only problem is that, I don't know if I should consider these people royals or celebrities? Because it affects the point of view of the post.

As I assume this will be an on-going saga and drama for years to come, I decide to see them more as celebrities. Also because ultimately this is an family feud that does not directly concern the British public, the fights and resentment don't really have a touching point of what the royals do on a daily basis, or at least I see it that way? It´s more a story of a dysfunctional family inside of certain behavioral and cultural rules which some members find it hard to obey.

I kind of believe both sides, I am sure there has been many suppressed feelings, cultural collisions, bad behavior and egoism.

But that should be their own problem, now Harry has dragged the whole world into their family´s drama. Why? I think because he hopes for a change, I truly do, because he is on a mission, but also, because of revenge. I at least wouldn't write that sort of book if I didn't want revenge. It is quite revengeful to write personal things about people who you know can not answer back. So he can say whatever he wants to with a hope that it will affect the public´s opinion.

In the end, I think what he is trying to do, is to show that his family is not that good as it appears. And as he knows they wont change, he tries to show the cracks to the public.

I didn't need that book to know that royals are not the best of the bunch, the privileged Super Rich who have power and cling to it, don't tend to have the best personality treats. The "change the world" -attitude is only a show, as we all know that changing the world comes from example. And I doubt that these Super Rich would give their fortunes away to show that we all are equal, because they don't really think that way, they find themselves The Elite, who thinks about their appearances and their words with the smallest detail, so that their position to be considered as The Elite and the lifestyle that comes with it, wouldn't be in jeopardy.

And Harry is the same, he is only now playing the game from another side of the field with new tactics, but the goal remains the same. They are all the same to me. But if the Brits want to keep this tradition and culture going, it´s their choice, not mine or anyone else´s outside of that island.

So yes, I have heavy opinions about monarchy´s in general (which I think you noticed already in one of my previous posts), but you know, it is another thing when the criticism is made by the country´s own Prince.

A journalist in Helsinki wrote an article with a topic "Prince Harry became a burden to Britain", where I think he describes well what we outside of that island wonder;

"Harry doesn´t fully seem to understand, what kind of symbol he is to his home country and what kind of power he still represents and uses as a Prince." (HS/11.1.2023)

I agree, he went away from the monarchy but in a way he didn´t. He continues to use the power his position still provides him, as a result of his title. I mean, we are confused.