Kneel citizen, kneel!


It is me, your monarch, the head of state, the representative of God itself, who guides you and shows you the way of righteous living....etc. etc. etc....Hey you, yes, you, the servant, is it over already? Good. Is my dinner ready and my pajamas ironed? And remember that tomorrow morning I want fresh croissants for breakfast. Where was I going tomorrow? Ah, that event, ok, two hours is ok, I can manage to show interest that long...

As you can see, I am not a royalist (didn't know that was a "thing" or even a word!), but that's because I've never had a King or Queen to worship, I don't know how that feels like. I was a big idol of Hanson when I was young, but I doubt that's the same thing. Therefore, what I think about the royals still left in the world, is the not so flattering first paragraph.

I thank Friedrich Karl for not wanting to be King of Finland (who was actually German and didn't even speak Finnish) when Finland separated from Russia. Although I am a little offended by that, maybe he thought he would get lost in the woods and be eaten by wolves or the uncivilized Finns. Germany after all was far more developed than Finland at that time, but it's good that he made that decision. That means I now have a president I can get rid of easily if he/she doesn't represent my country with dignity and reason.

The royals on the other hand are part of the countries identity and law, and therefore can not be thrown away that easily. But it doesn't mean they are safe. If they don't understand their current audience, which changes with every generation, they unlikely will survive in the future.

And they really need a good argument, to explain their million-style elite treatment while most people can't save anything after they have received their paycheck. And meanwhile, royals have servants, 5-course dinners, delightful conversations, and satin sheets. A pampered life in exchange for shaking hands and days full of events.

Ultimately the only thing they really present, is a hierarchy, a class system, like The Bettermans and The Croods. You there, me here (with a waving hand).

And oh my how it gives me the creeps. Yes, some lead, some don't. But a gap that big from the poorest citizen? Nonsense.

If I would meet a royal, I would kneel or bow or do whatever is required (just for courtesy) but I would also be thinking "What a bunch of crap".

The Swedish Royals have already sniffed a change of people's attitudes and made changes to secure over time by reducing the number of working royals. It was a good move, and it was made at the right time; not too soon (they waited until millennials reach adulthood) or too late when they would have angered too many modern thinking people and sealed their end in the future. Now, Princess Victoria and Estelle can rule, because the millennials have accepted that, they were given a big change (which is like the synonym for Millenials anyhow), and now as the millennials have it, they leave it alone, for now.

But as it can be noticed all over the world, we millennials are not only a tough crowd, but we are a crowd on a mission. And we mold the Alphas, the next generation, with our actions. Millennials are not so keen on traditions, as we have noticed that many of them are not working as well as thought. But now it depends on the Alphas who come after us, what they think of the relationship between traditions and future. Millennials' opinion is obvious; the bigger the changes, the better the outcome. But maybe the Alphas don't want to rock the boat too much, and take a more moderate approach to hierarchy, class system, and representatives of their country?

But although they would take a more moderate approach to traditions and overly paid people, I still doubt they would kneel or bow (at least willingly). I just don't see it. If I find the idea of kneeling or bowing to some millionaire (or billionaire) hard, I doubt the Alphas will throw themselves in their feet either. Bowing and kneeling to one family who just happened to be in the right place at the right time centuries ago and therefore got extremely rich. "Oh, it's history!" Sure it is and it can be. But it doesn't have to cost that much anymore, nor should we promote enormous wealth gaps.

If the royals were genuinely good people, they would give up their fortune where it would be needed. But I think we all middle-class people know, it won't happen. They will always "find" reasons why they are so special and deserve the attention and the riches. 

Although, I have to admit, when the Harry and Meghan drama broke out, I thought, Wow.... What revelations and accusations. What a very interesting case overall, not very representative for Brits or Americans, but entertaining for the rest of us. So yeah, I enjoyed reading about Keeping Up With The Windsors for a few weeks. But I doubt that it's what the people want from their Royals, I mean, after everything that has happened, now it's just embarrassing. Well, I find it embarrassing, because I don't doubt at all, that it's how rich people have always acted, and always will.

And when it comes to me, well, I just love rebels. It's like a breath of fresh society air to change the formation. But, these two, unfortunately, lost me with the "I have to survive what my mom left me" (10 million!!) Even the rebel, who was supposed to object to the inequality, was so out of touch with the reality, of how we normal people live.

So yeah, not the people I admire at all. 

In two years' time, I will have to put a number on a piece of paper and vote for the next President. And Thank Friedrich Karl for that, to be able to decide who is the right person to represent my country and why. Because I would not pick a millionaire/billionaire to do it, for obvious reasons.